
发布时间: 2015-03-30 19:41:08  |  来源: 中国发展门户网  |  作者: 中国农业信息网  |  责任编辑: 魏博
关键词: 南瓜汁 加工项目 项目建议书 招商引资 output pumpkin Project 多尿 tons 膳食纤维









PumpkinJuiceProcessing Project

1.Generaldescription:The annual output of pumpkin in Baoqing Countyis 1million tons or so, this provides enough raw material assuranceforthe development of pumpkin series of products. Pumpkinnutritionjuice is a kind of purely-natural flesh type health caredrink,owning unique fragrance and flavor, soft and dainty. Thejuice isrich in such nutrient components as carotene, vitamin E,pectin,food fiber and such necessary trace elements necessary forhumanbody as chrome, zinc, magnesium and cobalt. Its markedcharactersare the marked efficacies for regulating blood sugar,improvingsuch symptoms of diabetes as thirsty, lacking strength andmuchurine.

2.Totalinvestment:The total investment for the project is 250millionYuan.

3.Projectscale:The annual output of pumpkin juice is 100,000 tons andtheland occupation area is 50,000 m2

4.Economicbenefit:After the project reaches the designed output, theannualrealizable sales revenue is 400 million Yuan, the profit is90million Yuan and the tax is 16.5 million Yuan.

5.Projectprogress:A project proposal was completed.

6.Cooperationmanner:Solely invested.

7.Contactmanner:Zhang Taifeng 0469—543160613359651868
